Data Kitchen
Welcome to the Data Kitchen, where you will find some of the data-driven campaigns that I've cooked up! I've learned a lot about the importance of meaningful data and want to showcase some of the ways I have used It.
So, What Now?
Increase Reach & Engagement on the Program's Instagram account
Increase the amount of attendees at the first event of the year (Retention)
Studied data & campaigns from previous years to see what should be changed/improved and what can be utilized for this year
Determined best time of the day for posting campaigns to optimize, reach, engagement and retention
Implemented a strategy with multiple tactics in order to achieve results, while staying cohesive with our theme & goals
Check out these graphics for how the campaign performed!
Some KPIs to observe would be:
3,500 views on the first campaign vs. 176 views the Previous year
66 shares on the campaign vs. 0 the previous year
47 students attended the first program Vs. 37 the previous year
Join the Pitcrew
Goal: Generate leads for the Mentor positions within the program
After recruitment process was done, I used data collected from the application to directly pin point how each applicant found the role. These are the results!​
44.6% of applicants credited the social media (Instagram)
37.5% of applicants credited the Flyers/Posters
Combined 82.1% of applicant leads generated through those 2 channels, most of whom credited both!
Implemented a strategy that would consistently repeat the message of "Join the Pitcrew/ Apply to be a Mentor"
Designed Flyers & Posters to keep the message in the face of potential applicants
Created content such as Reels, Targeted Paid Advertising, and Digital Flyers to bring awareness to role and get more applicants