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Data Kitchen

Welcome to the Data Kitchen, where you will find some of the data-driven campaigns that I've cooked up! I've learned a lot about the importance of meaningful data and want to showcase some of the ways I have used It.


So, What Now?


  • Increase Reach & Engagement on the Program's Instagram account

  • Increase the amount of attendees at the first event of the year (Retention)


  • Studied data & campaigns from previous years to see what should be changed/improved and what can be utilized for this year

  • Determined best time of the day for posting campaigns to optimize, reach, engagement and retention

  • Implemented a strategy with multiple tactics in order to achieve results, while staying cohesive with our theme & goals


Check out these graphics for how the campaign performed!

Some KPIs to observe would be:

  • 3,500 views on the first campaign vs. 176 views the Previous year 

  • 66 shares on the campaign vs. 0 the previous year

  • 47 students attended the first program Vs. 37 the previous year

Join the Pitcrew


Goal: Generate leads for the Mentor positions within the program


After recruitment process was done, I used data collected from the application to directly pin point how each applicant found the role. These are the results!​


  • 44.6% of applicants credited the social media (Instagram)

  • 37.5% of applicants credited the Flyers/Posters

  • Combined 82.1% of applicant leads generated through those 2 channels, most of whom credited both!


  • Implemented a strategy that would consistently repeat the message of "Join the Pitcrew/ Apply to be a Mentor"

  • Designed Flyers & Posters to keep the message in the face of potential applicants

  • Created content such as Reels, Targeted Paid Advertising, and Digital Flyers to bring awareness to role and get more applicants

More Coming Soon

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